Physiotherapy Service

Holistic physical therapy for you pain-freely-moving lifestyle

What you will experience

We provide you with personalized physical examination with integrated knowledge and experience that suits your needs and help you enjoy moving again. You will be treated with close care from experienced physical therapists for the best results for you.

Physical Examination

You will be treated with the right solution from caring consultation with us and accurate examination from our experienced physios. Then, we will tailor the recovery program to match your lifestyle.

Skillful Manual Therapy

We specialized in manual therapy with years of experiences and skills for your properly-aligned body that is ready for moving delightfully.

Cutting-edge equipment

We help accelerate your recovery process with modern physical therapy equipment with can help with your pain and injury management

Promote Healthy Lifestyles

Reinforce yourself to come back stronger and happier. Whether you are going back to work or sports, you will be confident in yourself.

Physical Therapy for your unique body

Because our body are complex and extraordinary, recovery process is different for every person. Holistic treatment is the heart of physiotherapy service. We take a good care of you with integrated and accurate assessment from experienced phyios and reliable equipments.

Our Physical Therapy Program

Manual Therapy
Therapeutic Exercise
Stretching Exercise
Hot and Cold Therapy
Contrast Bath
Therapeutic Massage
Sports Massage
Deep Muscles Massage
Lymphatic Massage
Myofascial Decompression Cupping Therapy
Kinesiology Taping
Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation
High-Powered Laser

Others Physical Therapy Program

Office Syndrome Treatment
Neurologic Rehabilitation
Post-Operative Rehabilitation
Myofascial Pain Treatment
Plantar Pain Treatment
Disc Herniation Treatment
Joint pain/ Osterarthitis Treatment
Sport Injuries Program

Get your accurate consultation today

If you have injuries that make you worry all day long, talk to us today to identify and bring back your freedom in movement.
MLife Therapy Clinic is the holistic therapy clinic for rehabilitating, recovering, and promoting your movement to bring back your happiness.
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