Physical Therapy Modalities and Myofascial Decompression Cupping Therapy

Accelerate Your Recovery with Cutting-Edge Physical Therapy Equipment

We provide top notch treatment program with modern and scientifically-proven physical therapy equipments and Myofascial Decompression Cupping Therapy, with years of expertise.

Increase Blood Circulation

Improve nutrients transferring to your damaged cells and injury area and help speed up your recovery process.

Reduce Muscle Tension

Lower your tension, spasm and unneccessary involutary contraction of your muscles which directly affects your injuries.

Reduce Pain and Trigger Points

Manage your pain to gain more freedom in your movement with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal treatment.

Increase Recovery Efficacy

Return to your happy movement earlier with proper recovery process acceleration.

Myofascial Decompression Cupping Therapy (MFD Cupping)

An advanced healing technique that is different from conventional and Chinese cupping therapy. This technique involves covering the cups along the muscle line that is in pain or experiencing tightness in muscle and fascia, causing joint stiffness and prevent movement with full range of motion. With 3-5 minute physical movements along with MFD Cupping is necessary to gain these benefits:
  • Reduce muscle tightness
  • Effectively increase the degree of joints movement
  • Increase blood circulation in the injury area
  • Faster recovery from injuries

Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation

Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation is a nervous system stimulator which utilizes electromagnetic wave for facilitating blood circulation of soft tissues at the affected areas. Electromagnetic waves helps you feel relaxed during the treatment. Moreover, its benefit of nervous stimulation will signal the body to help neutralize the pain, both acute and chronic, while also stimulating tissue regeneration. The treatment takes approximately 5-30 minutes per 1 treatment area.
  • Stimulate blood circulation around the muscles
  • Accelerate tissue regeneration
  • Reduce both acute and chronic pain
  • Stimulate movement and recovery from the brain

High-Powered Laser

An injury treatment that utilizes high-frequency lasers that can penetrate to the deeper tissue layers which helps improving blood circulation and tissue repair. It can reduce pain by sending certain wavelengths to the nerves to support blood circulation. High-powered laser is the equipment that is supported by researches and is widely accepted in clinical practice and sports performance worldwide.
  • Great for Muscle injuries, Tendinopathies, Degenerative joint disorder, and Neuropathic pain
  • Reduce pain (with Gate control theory) and reduce inflammation
  • Accelerates the process of tissue repair (Biostimulation effect) and shortens the inflammation period. (Anti-inflammatory effect)
  • Takes 5-6 minutes per 1 treatment area. See immediate results after treatment

Physical Therapy Modalities and Myofascial Decompression Cupping Therapy Program

Physical therapy procedures (Manual therapy + Equipment)
Myofascial Decompression Cupping Therapy
Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation
High-Powered Laser

There is Always Solutions to Any Injury

At MLife Therapy, we are more than happy to consult on any of your injuries. So you can get back your movement and move happily in every moment of life. Contact us today.
MLife Therapy Clinic is the holistic therapy clinic for rehabilitating, recovering, and promoting your movement to bring back your happiness.
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